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5 Automation Industry Trends You Should Know

February 04, 2019

It seems like everywhere you turn, automation is taking over. From self-scanners at the grocery store to machines beating us at game shows, the machines are assuredly rising.

Now, there's probably no reason to worry about the robot revolution anytime soon (looking at you, Elon Musk), but automation industry advancements are happening, and they are happening fast.

So what industries are going to be hit with automation first? Let's take a look at the trends.

PLC Integration

Across industries, we are seeing a rise in PLC technology.

With Programmable Logic Coordinators, or PLC's, automation can happen even faster. PLC's allow for more sophisticated levels of coordination in automated systems, and if PLC can be integrated with computer programs, the automation can be even more tailored and precise.


While this may be bad news for the communities in mining country, it is great news in terms of safety and productivity.

Mining is notoriously dangerous work, and replacing humans with automation eliminates the risk. With PLC in place, mining machines can be told from afar exactly where to drill and how to sequence productivity, while humans manage the whole process from safety aboveground.

The use of machines allows mining to continue 24 hours a day, and these machines can do everything from drilling to the mining itself, to hauling, all without human interference.


Drones are so commonplace now that everyone's technophile neighbor seems to have one. But their origins in the military are gaining more traction than ever.

Driverless transports and tanks keep soldiers out of the line of fire, and drones are beginning to replace the fighter pilots of old.

PLC can help to ensure a military with better fail-safes and more precision, helping keep troops safe while still getting the job done.

But even the more mundane military tasks have the potential for automated replacement. From warehouses to medical support, the future of the military is very much automated.


This one is well-known, but still, manufacturing is becoming more and more automated every day.

With PLC programming, every piece of the manufacturing process can be automated to function together, from sequencing to data collection. No need for a human overseer any closer than a programmer.

Soon, there will be little need at all for human workers in factories. Robots will build the products, machines down in the warehouses will package them, and driverless vehicles will ship them out. Start to finish, with not a bit of human interaction.

Sales and Customer Service

As AI is more capable of analyzing sales algorithms and customer service moves from phone to computer-based, we may see AI take over more and more of those roles.

Technology is growing to allow AI more "human-like" interaction ability. This means that soon, customer service inquiries will be solved via chats with automated reps, rather than human ones.

We are already seeing sales relegated to the AI on sites like Amazon, with its ability to anticipate our buying habits.

Within a few years, we could be buying strictly from online AI programs and turning to them again when we have issues with the products they send us.

The Automation Industry: Should We Be Afraid?

There is always resistance to change, but as machines and robots take over more menial and dangerous tasks, more and more specialized fields will open up to humans.

The world is changing, but for those who are willing to adapt, the possibilities are truly endless. There will always be a call for programmers and maintenance workers to keep our automated world growing, and jobs in computer science and coding are only beginning to expand.

What are your thoughts on these automation industry trends? Share with us in the comments section below!